Bio Insecticides

Our Bio Insecticides offer growers an effective and flexible alternative form of pest management, while sustainably protecting non-target organisms and the environment.

Complements Traditional

Biological product based on a naturally occurring beneficial fungus and active against all life stages of the target pests, including whiteflies.

Can be applied early in the growth cycle when target insect pests are first observed​. Minimal use restrictions and a favorable ​environmental profile​.

Bio Insecticides Products​

panther (pymetrozine 50%wg)


(Pymetrozine 50%wg)

panther (pymetrozine 50%wg)


(Pymetrozine 50%wg)

panther (pymetrozine 50%wg)


(Pymetrozine 50%wg)

panther (pymetrozine 50%wg)


(Pymetrozine 50%wg)

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